We are the best at direct mail marketing for lawyers

Custom Solutions

When we set up a direct mail solution for you, we take into account your law practice and how to best integrate a direct mail marketing campaign into your daily work flow.

Customer Service

Phone help is included in your pricing. We can help you write your letters, create mail merge codes and answer questions as you use our services.

Competitively Priced

Sending letters can get expensive. With our system we can help reduce your cost by better targeting your desired customers, saving on postage and front desk costs.

In our 11 years of working with Wisconsin CCAP data, we found that direct mail marketing is an effective, proven way of getting new clients. We provide a critical component of this strategy: a reliable and easy to use custom interface for retrieving qualified prospective clients from the circuit court data (CCAP). As part of this process we also help you compose a letter and train you on how to efficiently generate the letters. Our experience collecting and using CCAP data allows us to create tools that are unmatched by our competitors.

Will this work for me?

Direct mail marketing can be a powerful tool to attract new clients. Many factors will affect your return rate.

Some factors you can control such as:

  • A well written letter.
  • Letters mailed in a timely manner.
  • Number of letters mailed and geographical region.
  • An attractive web site, since many potential client will search you on the web once they get your letter.
  • Your ability to sell yourself and your legal services once the prospective client contacts you.
  • A multi-faceted advertising plan to establish your name recognition.

Others factors are out of your control:

  • Number of competitors sending letters.
  • Quality and timeliness of court data; our expertise will help you in this matter.

Is it expensive?

We can break down some of your cost considerations as follows:

  • Postage, no way to avoid this cost and it is the major cost.
  • Letter, envelope and printing supplies.
  • Time spent printing and mailing the letters. Our system is set up to minimize your time in this regard and is flexible enough to fit your schedule. Figure on 10 to 25 minutes a day.
  • Time spent talking to potential clients.
  • Monthly subscription fee for running your custom data program. This fee depends on how much work our servers have to do and and estimate of how large your mailing data set will. Again, the price per address is far smaller than the price for the stamp.